Brat Farrar (bratfarrar) wrote,
Brat Farrar

remember: you are not alone

I have been spending too much time reading (mostly) political blogs, but in the process I stumbled across this:
I have been, and remain, a staunchly anti-elitist individual. I find the idea of belonging to a special group the most dangerous philosophical ground you can stand on. But what is remarkable about this Remnant* is that the people that compose it seem to be drawn completely at random. It is not a philosophy. It is a frequency. You are on it or you are not. And this is not a million-dollar lottery win, either: it is a call to face unpleasant facts and impending hardship. It is a quiet summons to duty. It often makes one uncomfortable, and, most often, this unfocused, vague desire – this need – to do something useful most often makes one feel very much alone.

What’s remarkable about the Remnant -- to me, anyway – is the sheer unpredictability of its composition. Perhaps that homeless drug addict, panhandling under the overpass . . . perhaps he will be the one to run into a burning building while other decent and good people stand idle, waiting for something to happen.

Waiting for someone to happen.

The rest of it is well worth reading--perhaps particularly because it was written before the whole current kerfluffle had really started.

*As in the remnant of Israel that Isaiah was speaking to.
Tags: miscellanea, politics

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