Brat Farrar (bratfarrar) wrote,
Brat Farrar

Eighth day of Christmas

Bon jour, bon mois, bon an et bonne estraine | Good day, good month, good year and happy New Year
Vous doinst celuy qui tout tient en demaine, | Be given by He to whom all belongs,
Richesse, honnour, sainté, joye sans fin, | Riches, honour, health, boundless joy,
Bonne fame, belle dame, bon vin, | Good fame, beautiful lady, good wine,
Pour maintenir la créature saine. | To keep the creature in health.

Après vous doint qu’en joye on vous demaine | And then may He have joy bestowed upon you
Et lyesse tantost on vous ameine; | And you be given happiness soon
Ainsi pourrez avoir, soir et matin, | Thus may you have, night and morning,
Bon jour, bon mois, bon an et bonne estraine | Good day, good month, good year and happy New Year
Vous doinst celuy qui tout tient en demaine, | Be given by He to whom all belongs,
Richesse, honnour, sainté, joye sans fin. | Riches, honour, health, boundless joy.

Et puis vous doint esperance certaine | And then may he give you certain hope
Sans tristesse, sans pensee villaine; | Without sadness, without ugly thoughts;
Tous voz desirs acomplir de cueur fin. | that all your desires be achieved of pure heart
Sans contredit soyez en la parfin | Without doubt you will in perfection
Lassu logee en gloire souveraine. | Be received above in sovereign glory.

(First stanza is repeated)
Tags: caroling

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