Brat Farrar (bratfarrar) wrote,
Brat Farrar

(Relative) fame and fortune

Tags: miscellanea

  • In This Case, Definitions Don't Really Matter

    I guess whatever I wind up writing while developing this habit over the next set of days and weeks won't technically be a "book of days", since most…

  • don't do this to me!

    It is currently horrendously overcast. The eclipse (my location will be at, like, 95+% totality, so definitely worth viewing!) is juuuust beginning…

  • Safety dance!

    I know nothing about the anime used in this music vid, but it matches the song so perfectly it's hard to believe the two had nothing to do with each…

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  • In This Case, Definitions Don't Really Matter

    I guess whatever I wind up writing while developing this habit over the next set of days and weeks won't technically be a "book of days", since most…

  • don't do this to me!

    It is currently horrendously overcast. The eclipse (my location will be at, like, 95+% totality, so definitely worth viewing!) is juuuust beginning…

  • Safety dance!

    I know nothing about the anime used in this music vid, but it matches the song so perfectly it's hard to believe the two had nothing to do with each…